Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 3- A picture of the cast from your favorite show

This is a little embarrassing cuz if I was really being honest with myself, I'd admit that I'm truely addicted to TV. Ha. If I start watching a show, I have a hard time not finishing it. I also don't have a hard time watching shows with bad acting. Ha. I just like drama, so I watch it. So over the years, I've watched my share of shows and a lot of them have been very very good. Recently, I watched all of Prison Break and was in complete awe. If I could, I would marry Micheal Schofield. Ha. No worries, I still love you Justin! Haha.
Before Prison Break though, it was easy to say what was the best show ever made.... 24!!! There's simply not anything better. Period. End of Story. I started watching it after my brother was given season 4 for a Christmas gift. I saw the first episode and was instantly hooked! So I watched season 4 pretty fast and then went back and watched 1-3. I watched season 5 with my freshman roomie Malorie and got her totally hooked! Then when I met Justin we watched season 4 and 5 before 6 came out so he could be as hooked as me. :) Then we watched 7 with some friends and LOVED it! They didn't love season 8 as much as I did but i literally cried as Jack went away at the end of the last episode. It was awful! But beautiful at the same time. My brother is actually naming his first boy jack after the one and only Jack Bauer. Ha. We'll see what his wife has to say about that. Ha.
Just so I'm not a total weirdo, I do like girly shows too. And my favorite of those is with out a doubt Grey's Anatomy. I love the drama and I love the medicine. Perfect show for me! :)

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