(First of all, I goofed! I switched up the days. Sorry! That's ok though cuz these are both getting done on the same day. So no worries.)
Man, These are getting personal!
There have been a lot of things that have made an impact on my life recently. The biggest thing is this...
These girls are my life!
For those of you that don't know, these are my sisters. Kristi, on the bottom right, Kelly just above her, and Heather right next to me.
Kelly recently moved into my house and it hasn't been quite what I expected. I've never parented a teenager before, so it's been hard! However, it's been incredibly rewarding. I've been able to connect with her on a level I don't think I ever could have with out this kind of experience. She is an incredible woman and I'm lucky to get to spend so much time with her. This experience has also forced my hubby and I to really get to know eachother better. We've learned things about each other and about outselves that are important and have made our marriage better. It hasn't all been good, but we've gotten through it and are better people for it.
Heather has been there when the talks with my hubby havent gone the way I wanted them to. Ha. Don't get me wrong. Justin and I have always been able to get through whatever issues we've had. But at the same time, don't think for a second that we're perfect. Cuz we're not! And sometimes a girl needs to bounce things off some one who will always tell her the truth. Heather is so that person for me. Luckily enough for me, she also knows my family extremely well and has been able to give me very good insight and advice about how to handle certain situations. She's also the single most non-judgemental person I've ever met in my life. I've been able to talk to her about anything and everything and know that she's not making any judgements. Not about me, not about the people I happen to be complaining about at the time. She and I have gone through A LOT together and it's made us very close. I couldn't live with out her!
Kristi is the happy relief in all my drama! She's also always there to help and to be an ear to listen to my drama. She's always happy and knows what to do or say to make me feel better. I think Heather wrote a blog similar to this one and said the same thing about Kristi. It seems she's that way with everyone and that's a big deal too. I love that I can always trust her to be there for me. She also has a sweet hubby that helps everyone and is just as loving as she is.
I am SO lucky to know these women and I can't imagine my life with out them.
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